ePosters – Wounds Australia 2024 Conference
Displaying dynamic and interactive scientific posters at conference events

ePosters Interactive Digital Posters
Healthcare, Events
Date: October 2024Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre, Gold Coast – Queensland Australia

Interactive Digital Signage Solution
We have successfully implemented our ePosters solution at various events and conferences, and we’re excited to add another to our list. This time, the event took place in Gold Coast, Queensland, where we provided a comprehensive solution that included interactive kiosks as well as integration with a mobile events application. The solution included displaying each research posters and the ability for visitors to vote.
The Wounds Australia Conference offers an opportunity for care professionals at all stages of their careers from emerging to established to share knowledge, engage with research, learn from one another, and promote best practices in wound care. At this conference, we showcased research posters using our innovative and interactive digital signage solution ePosters.
At the end of the event, we provided a report that included the number of times the posters were viewed on both the kiosk and the mobile app, as well as the number of votes received.
ePoster Gallery